Coming soon...

3rd FLBB Dinner

2007-12-16 FLBB   16
4   outR   cblan2k7
2007-12-16 FLBB   16
5   outR   cblan2k7
2007-12-16 FLBB   16
4   HU   cblan2k7
2007-12-16 FLBB   12
16   outR   cblan2k7




A few months ago L0tus talked with idiotheke aka Moj0, Bluemercury and empadassassina in order to create a Day of Defeat division in FLBB. They were delighted with the idea, and in a few days, Puskas and GOE joined the division, so in that moment we had 6 players, the first FLBB.DoD team! After that Shep joined in, and a month later benji also came into the FLBB family as a recruit. At the moment, and after a few adjustments, the roster of FLBB.DoD is: Moj0, Shep, L0tus, Bluemercury, eass, Puskas, Dark Dragon, benji (r) and very recently xypheN (r)!
Our only competition right now is FRAGlider Day of Defeat League, we have 2 wins in 2 matches. The team roster is facing some adversities, 2 players, bluemercury and benji, are without internet connection, so that's a major problem in order to prepare the tactics and also to improve teamplay skill. Our wish is, have fun, and attend to all portuguese DoD tournaments.
We are official introduced to the community, and to the new website. Thanks to everyone that put his effort in the development of the site. GL and HF for all.

Best Regards and have fun,


FLBB.DoD Announcement:

Day of Defeat Division is searching for a High Skilled Heavy Player (Mp44/BAR) or Sniper!


The Player must be from Beira Baixa ( High preference to Castelo Branco resident!)




Shep :: January 27, 2005 @ 16:37



#1 - Jifu

xypheN, a estrela do DoD :D

GL DoD Team

January 28, 2005 @ 15:53

#2 - xypheN

Já não basta aturar o L0tus no CS ainda vou ter que aturar o Shep no DoD erm :(


January 28, 2005 @ 16:58